I've always known that I shared my birthday with the Scottish poet Burns. But today, thanks to dovegreyreader, I have discovered that I also share it with Virginia Woolf, who was born 125 years ago. I really must tackle that large volume of the works of Virginia Woolf which I bought last year, as well as her writer's diary. I have to confess to having read very little by her and what I have tried I have not found particularly easy, but I'm going to take a fresh look and perhaps do so with the help of Susan Hill's 'Woolf for Dummies' blog posts.
But that can wait, I'm off to have some birthday cake!
Cathy, Happy Birthday to you!
So pleased you visited the blog and now I've linked to yours too.I can recommend W4D over on Susan Hill's blog,I have gained immeasurably from a new approach with some assistance.Reading VW never actually warmed the cockles of my heart because I'd read too much about her life and all the rubbish written about her and hadn't really focused on her actual writing.Now I'm a born-again Woolfite!
Happy Birthday Cathy. Am just back from holidays in WA will drop you a line once the crew are all back at school in Feb. I second dovegreyreader. I read so much about VW and her life that I've never managed to sit down and read anything that she actually wrote. You'll have to let me know if the effort is worth the struggle.
Andrea McNally
Happy birthday, Cathy! Hope you had a wonderful day and ate loads of cake!!
Thanks for all the birthday wishes!
Dovegreyreader, I love your blog and hold you partially responsible for the book mountain which is taking over our living room.Thank you so much for linking to me.
Andrea- hope you all had a good holiday. Will write soon but in the meantime you might also like Anne's blog....it is top of the blog links on mine!
Anne - yes the cake was very nice, thanks...M&S choccy cake, works wonders for everything!!
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