Saturday, January 27, 2007

The internet

I love the internet. When I was younger I loved libraries and really wanted to be a librarian, but in the end didn't go down that route. But being online is as good as having access to many libraries at once, as well as shopping malls of course. I love the way that one website or blog can lead to another to another and along the way you can make fascinating discoveries.

I'll give you an example. I am currently reading a book called 'Something Beginning With' by Sarah Salway. I had never heard of either the book or the author until I recently saw it mentioned in a post on Trashionista and thought it sounded interesting. I went online to purchase it. After I started reading, I was browsing on dovegreyreader's blog and saw a link to a blog by Sarah Salway,which I found contains lots of great writers prompts.

So from one small mention on Trashionista, I have discovered a book I am really enjoying, a writer new to me and a fascinating blog. I have also just ordered a book of short stories by the same author as I am currently trying to master that form myself. All because of the internet.


Anonymous said...

Hurrah! :) Glad you're enjoying it.

Jackie Luben said...

Thanks for looking in at my blog, Cathy. Hope you'll call again.

You're right, the internet is pretty amazing, though I'm having difficulty in navigating around.
