Monday, January 21, 2008


I have been struggling with my Open University playwriting course. Mainly I think bcause I have no real interest in writing for the stage or screen, I am doing the course partly as preparation for a more advanced course later in the year and partly to notch up some more points towards a(nother) degree.

The final assignment is due in on Friday. I worked out ages ago what I wanted to write about but was having trouble committing it to paper. Plays are fiddly because you have to get the layout and length right and for those of us less skilled in using Word it can be a trial. So on Saturday afternoon I took my A4 notebook into town and sat in a very busy Starbucks with a coffee. I managed to draft the rest of my short play.

Today I have typed it up and done some of the other parts of the assignment. I should hopefully be able to get it all finished tomorrow, then put it away until Thursday, do any last minute editing and send the damned thing on its way. Hooray.

Three notable things:

1. The weather is just depressing. Isn't it?

2. I have just been perusing desks and office chairs on the Argos website, as now we are post-Christmas I can afford to order one for the spare bedroom and create my writing corner. Of course the desk I like best is not in stock, even though the catalogue only came out on Saturday.

3. Son 1 has once again started doing the teenage thing of staying up all night and trying to sleep all day. Thought we'd cured him of that one...


Casdok said...

Well done for doing your play!
A writing corner sounds fab! You will have to import Starbucks coffee! :)

Lane Mathias said...

Well done on finsihing your play. I admire anyone who can write in Starbucks!

And yes, the weather is just dismal:-(

Anonymous said...

Great news about your play. I've always wanted to write a play but don't know where to start. I never reached the module in my course work.

Crystal xx

Cathy said...

Of course what I forgot to mention was that the play only had to be 7 minutes long...

Lane, even Starbucks is quieter than my house at a weekend!
