I needed a little treat today after son 2 decided to start my day at 5.30am. So I was pleased when my sari silk yarns from eBay arrived in the post. They are very pretty but unfortunately I think they are probably too thick for the purpose I had in mind. Still they will not go to waste. I will either think of somthing else to knit or crochet with them, something chunkier, or I will use them in my papercrafting.
Then mid-morning the doorbell rang and a parcel from The Book People was handed over. Some reference books and a pile of sale priced fiction. So if you'll excuse me I am off for a quick read...
Three notable things:
1. The beautiful weather over the weekend, though it was actually too hot whilst ironing yesterday.
2. A refreshing mango drink in Starbucks on Saturday afternoon.
3. Receiving our child tax credits notification and realising that they have got it wrong yet again, even though they have been informed of a change in circumstances twice already. Fortunately it is unlikely to make any difference to what we get paid, but the tax credits people must rival the Child Support Agency for incompetence!
rather envious of the weather. We had a kind of fine drizzle whih seemed to last all of saturday, not wet enough to put on coats and umbrellas, not dry enough to sit outside..
Rilly dear, you'll just have to move back to London for the sun...
I can certainly relate to the tax credits! I'm not complaining though - absolutely not!
I used to buy from the Book People when Amy was at nursery, they would come along every 3 weeks or so with a pile of exceptional value for money books.
Delighted that you've got all those parcels! Just to let you know - I've nominated you for a Creative Blogger Award.
Thank you, thank you hellojed! Now who shall I nominate...?
Crystal...I buy off their website now.
Enjoy your books, Cathy. I keep trying to fit a really good read into my summer plans, but summer seems to have other ideas. Had my first sailing lesson this weekend, though.
Well sailing sounds much more exciting than being stuck in with a book, Marianne, though that still wouldn't get me out there doing it!
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