Hellojed has nominated me for a creative blogger award! How exciting is that?
So now it is my turn to award it to five people. After a really difficult decision-making process, because you, my favourite bloggers, are all so creative, I have come up with the following:
1. Anne Brooke, because Anne blogs with humour and brutal honesty about her life and the highs and lows of being a writer. It is a must-read for me every day and I think right now an award would cheer her up.
2.Three Beautiful Things. The concept of Clare's blog is so simple yet also profound. It has spawned many imitators (all welcomed) including my own three notable things. Now she has won a literary competition and the blog is going to become a loo book!
3.Nerd Bunny, who seems to be able to turn her hands to so many creative crafts and posts the results on her blog for us all to enjoy.
4.The fabulous Rilly Super at Strife in the North, whose blog never fails to make me laugh, simply because it is such a clever parody of the Wife in the North blog, which I also enjoy.
5.Last, but not least, I would like to nominate my wonderfully talented fellow OU A215 creative writing students of last year, many of whom also now blog. There are far too many to mention individually, so I shall give the award to WikidWords and hope that Jude will accept it on behalf of those writers represented there and those elsewhere.
Three notable things:
1. Winning a blog award. Thanks Hellojed!
2. Choosing five more creative blogs to receive the award.
3. Oh and did I already say winning a blog award?
Well done, Cathy! And ooh I can see the logo now, tee hee! Thanks for the nomination also - I'm smiling today!!
oh gosh cathy, thanks ever so much, but just one little thing, ***%%$cough(**splutter%^&&*^ a parody?! well, really...
Whoops Rilly, have I said too much...?! Perhaps I should just have said 'even better than Wife in the North'...and much friendlier to your blog readers...
Hmm.. These blog awards are beginning to sound like an outbreak of chickenpox... I can see work starting right now on a vaccine...
Great blog, btw...
Thanks Anne and Zinnia!
Anon...I do hope the awards are less contagious than chicken pox (or foot and mouth if you are in the UK) It's all a bit of good fun and lovely to get some peer recognition. Thanks, btw! :)
A well deserved award for a great blog - congrats from Crystal xx
Thanks, Crystal!
Well done, Cathy, and I shall have a look at the people you've nominated, as you seem to have very good judgement about things.
I've never heard of most of the Booker nominees either, and I second your thoughts on accessibility. I find very 'literary' novels are sometimes a turn-off, and would rather enjoy a good read.
Well you know the first person on the list, Jackie...
Yes, of course, and I'm a regular visitor to Anne, but it's the others I will visit probably for the first time.
Well done Cathy. Great achievement
Sue xx
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