Over the last year I have learnt far more about mental health issues than I could ever have anticipated. It has been a long haul to discover that many of son 1's problems have resulted from actual and perceived bullying at school. Initially by a teacher. The truth is still being coaxed out, a tiny bit at a time, by skilled professionals.
It was for this reason that when I first heard about Caroline Smailes' book, 'In Search of Adam', I wasn't sure if I could read it. At least, not now. Because her book is about child abuse, in its many forms, and the consequences.
I have been an occasional visitor to Caroline's lovely blog (where her publishers actually discovered her) and I was more than happy to add a publicity button for the book in my sidebar, which you may have noticed over the last few weeks. But still I was not sure about actually reading it. Yet.
But then I read Dovegreyreader's astute review, followed by other bloggers reviews (links are on Caroline's blog). I realised that this book is both unusual and important. I ordered it. I started to read it yesterday and already I have been drawn into the dysfunctional world of young Jude Williams, who I desperately want to protect better than I did my own child. I can hardly bear to read on or to put it down.
Don't be put off by the subject matter. Caroline has, through her use of language and the young voice of Jude as her narrator, avoided falling into unnecessary sentimentality. We understand far more than Jude does.
I'll come back to it later, as it a multi-layered book which will take time to read and digest. It might not be for everyone, but why not try it and judge for yourself?
fhmiyecJust writing to welcome you to the novel racers (I'm only a couple of weeks ahead of you) and to express sympathy for your difficult family matters. Best wishes, Chris
Oops - a little trouble with the word verification!
I hoped to go to Caroline S's Bk Launch ( my neck of the woods) but family arrangements got in the way.
Im looking forward to reading Adam...difficult topic but I hear she handles it superbly.
Great to hear youre doing Novel Racers.
It sounds excellent.
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