A few weeks ago I wrote a fleeting mention of the Rugby World Cup into my novel. Not the tournament that is currently ongoing, but the one that England won, four years ago. It was an attempt to anchor the time frame of my novel, which spans many years, by referencing real life events.
On Saturday we sat in front of the TV and watched as England reached the final again, probably against most people's expectations. I have to admit that I don't know much about rugby, I am hazy on the scoring and rules, but it is quite fun to watch. We'll be cheering them on in the final too, especially as South Africa are a seriously good team.
This time I have an added interest because the captain of the England team, Phil Vickery (that's not Phil Vickery the cute chef who is married to Fern Britton, by the way!), grew up in the same part of the world as me and my mother knew one of his relatives. In fact he went to my old school. Just out of interest I googled him and found that he was BORN just two years before I left school.
How old did that make me feel?
Three notable things:
1. England's amazing progress in the rugby.
2. Whilst we are on the subject of rugby and schools, Hubby used to attend a school named after William Webb Ellis who invented the game and lends his name to the World Cup trophy.
3. Why do I seem to have done little except laundry today?
We are a big rugby (not big as in large - big as in very much into it!)family and we were so excited on Saturday night. My mother in law's cat got a huge shock when we all roared Jonny's penalty and drop goal in the final minutes. Brilliant entertainment.
Helen, I thought for one second you were saying you were all Phil-Vickery-sized!
It was great wasn't it, let's hope they can produce something great in the final.
Ooh, that was bad writing, two uses of 'great' in one sentence.
I must learn to read what I've written before clicking on publish!
I knew I'd heard that name before! I'm afraid I know nothing about rugby apart from the fact I will have to sit through it next Saturday night.
Crystal xx
I avoid it!!!
I did the unforgiveable. I sent M into the bedroom to watch, so that I could watch Casualty.
he's a rugby fan and used to play it himself.
Good idea Jackie! Seems like Helen and I were in a minority then...
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