Some of you already know that I am signed up for the Open University level one 'Start Writing Plays' course which starts at the end of this month. I know nothing about writing scripts, but am doing this 12 week introduction as preparation for the level three Creative Writing course due to start next year and hopefully to hone skills that will transfer into my fiction writing.
Anyway, yesterday afternoon I was browsing around the charity shops in town as usual. I came up with a haul of goodies...two balls of pretty wool, a new novel by Susan Isaacs, an author I used to read years ago, and three videos for son 2. In the third and final shop I cast an eye over the shelves of books. This particular shop often has a classy selection, but charges more than the others... usually £2.50 for a paperback novel, which I will only pay for something special.
On the non-fiction shelves I spotted something exceptional. A row of five books on plays and scriptwriting, all in 'as new' condition. I could not believe my luck. I came away with three of them, Writing the Romantic Comedy by Billy Mernit, Writing Dialogue for Scripts by Rib Davis and Playwriting - A Practical Guide by Noel Greig. At £2 each.
I like to think those books were just waiting for me...
Three notable things:
1. My charity shop purchases.
2. Teaching son 1 how to use an ATM now he has his bank account.
3. Son 1's friends arriving uninvited on Friday evening to belatedly celebrate his birthday, bringing with them a great present (more weights for the home gym) and even a birthday cake made by one of their mums.
Wow, that was lucky! Hope you are looking forward to your OU course.
It was meant to be!
Your course sounds like it will be lots of fun. I love writing. Finding awesome goodies like that makes for a great day.
Good luck with the course. I'd love to write a script for television.
Crystal xx
Yes good luck with the course. I am feeling incredibly disorganised at the moment. I must get on with my own LSJ course.
Wow what a great haul. Well done.
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