But the day has been brightened a little by receiving this Best Blog Thinker award from Sue Guiney. Thanks Sue!

Now it is my turn to pass it on. As my blog is about both special needs and writing I would like to pass it on to bloggers representing both areas. So firstly I give it to Casdok at Mother of Shrek, for probably the best blog on autism I have read. Secondly I would like to give it to Graeme K. Talboys at grumblog, whose wisdom has influenced my writing over the last couple of years more than he probably realises.
Thank you so much for the award. It is very much appreciated.
I had just given my daughter an extra big hug and kiss just before I read your blog. My heart goes out to them.
It is terribly sad about the Camerons - an awful thing to happen.
And well done on the award - great stuff!
Terribly sad news.
My heart also goes out to them. Such very sad news.
And thank you, you brightened my day to. I have been struggling with things with C, so very much appreciated.
You're welcome. Graeme and Casdok!
I'm still feeling sad today, there has been such a lot of media coverage, even though the Camerons have asked for privacy.
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