What a fantastic evening for the Brits at the Academy Awards last night. Success at last for Kate Winslet, but most of all Slumdog Millionaire sweeping the board.
Although I've not seen the movie we have a special interest, because Dev Patel, one of the stars, is a local lad who went to the same schools as son 1. What an amazing role model, showing that an ordinary kid can achieve huge success, just a couple of years after leaving school.
In other news, Hubby and son 1 are both ill with chest infections, and in Hubby's case a sinus infection too. We even had to take son 1 to the out of hours doctor at the weekend, as he has had so many chest infections in the last six months and had hardly recovered from the last severe one. I'm sneezing and son 2 has yet to succumb...
Eeek, hope husband and son1 recover really soon, there's been so many bugs around this winter.
Very pleased for Kate Winslet, she always appears so lovely on tv.
CJ xx
Yuk, Cathy, I'm so sorry for you all. I do hope you feel better soon.
wishing all a speedy recovery.
Hope you feel better soon.
Sorry to hear about the illnesses - hope you're all better soon ...
Thanks for all the get well vibes :o)
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