Sunday, July 12, 2009


...such as when you find the downstairs shower room and adjoining laundry room flooded with sewage at 8.30 on a Saturday evening, it is useful to be married to a man who owns a drainage company.

A man who, although not a drain tech himself, does understand how the drains work and keeps a set of drainage rods in the boot of his car. A man who, with the help of Son 1, is prepared to persevere with rodding until the solid blockage at the base of the soil stack finally clears itself in a rush of backed up water.

A second round of cleaning and disinfecting continues today, after we finished just before midnight. The flood water even got into the base of my huge ironing pile and a mound of clothes I was sorting for the charity shop, so there is a lot of washing to do.

We blame it on Son 2, who likes to throw things down the toilets and flush quickly, before we can even see what went down. The blockage could well have contained cardboard, broken DVDs, teaspoons and chunks of soap and it caused the water from his bath upstairs to overflow through the downstairs toilet and shower, as it had nowhere else to go.

I'm just thankful it didn't all happen a day or two earlier when Hubby was away in Europe!


Rachel Green said...

Oh! How awful!

HelenMWalters said...

What a nightmare, but god bless hubby!

Beth said...

oh cathy. how horrible. i'm so glad you have someone on tap, no pun intended i swear, to sort it out.

hope the cleaning isn't too bad now.

have a nice big glass of wine when it's done!

Anne Brooke said...

Oh lordy, poor you - what a nightmare!!!



Caroline said...

Oh my, your Saturday evenings sound even more rock and roll than mine! Take care you x

Cathy said...

Thanks, all! I have to say the floors are looking cleaner than they have for a long time after multiple mopping and disinfecting, but I'm still working my way through the washing and drying...

asus notebook said...

great review...