First there was Farrah Fawcett-Majors (as she was then known) in Charlie's Angels. A pin-up for the boys and a sassy role model for us girls, her hair was copied by millions. The Angels led us to believe that girls really could do anything, at a time when we were trying to escape the dull domesticity experienced by our mothers.

Then there was Michael Jackson, whose personal journey led him from the legendary familial Motown pop group to become the creator of some of the best and most purchased pop records ever made.

Let's hope that in time Michael Jackson will be primarily remembered for his musical and showmanship achievements, rather than the the excesses and weirdness of the 'Wacko Jacko' years, with all their dark undertones.
And I also hope that Farrah Fawcett will not be forgotten, despite being pushed from all the news bulletins by the death of an even bigger star on the same day.
Loved Charlie's Angels and adored Farrah Fawcett. What a sad loss that was.
Michael Jackson is a legend, there's no doubt about it, his music was fantastic as were his moves. Unfortunately, he seemed to travel down a path later in his life which not many of us could understand. God bless them both,
CJ xx
Shame Farrah has been totally overlooked by the media. You'd think she'd at least get a brief mention.
Both very sad but also a shame that Farrah Fawcett has not had much of a mention. Growing up with Charlies' Angels she was a bit of a hero of mine.
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