Sunday, February 18, 2007

Publishing deal

No, not for me. Sadly.

But thanks to the Sunday Times today I have discovered another beautifully written blog, whose author has just landed a deal. Check out 'Wife in the North' here.

My own writing fortunes went in the opposite direction yesterday with the receipt of a rejection letter for a short story written during my course last year. That was not unexpected, but it has now been rejected by the two magazines to which I thought it was best suited, so I may try to rewrite it for another market.

However a trip into town was more fruitful, when a browse of one of the local charity shops unearthed copies of Diaries 1926-1957 by Antonia White and Collected Poems by Elizabeth Jennings, both in excellent condition and costing a total of £1.88! I remember reading Frost in May by Antonia White many years ago and I know she had a troubled life history, so I hope the diaries will be interesting to dip into. I'm not really familiar with Elizabeth Jennings or her poetry but a quick glance at the book in the shop drew me to it.

I've also had a few books purchased on the internet arrive this week and somehow a copy of The Night Watch by Sarah Waters just seemed to fall into my basket while shopping in Tesco on Wednesday. How could that have happened? This book buying obsession is getting out of hand!


Anne Brooke said...

Cathy - sorry to be a pain, but do you know how I rearrange the elements on my new blog page - I'd like to change the order of the stuff on the right, but I can't seem to drag & drop anything at all - is there a trick I'm not doing??


Thank you!!


Cathy said...

Have replied on your blog Anne!

Anne Brooke said...

Aha! Thank you - thank goodness someone round here is a technowhiz - I'm certainly not!!!


hesitant scribe said...

Hi Cathy,

I read that article in the Sunday Times too. Another one is the Wandering Scribe who also got a book deal from her blog. Nice to hear a happy news story!

You have been busy book buying! If you're not careful, you'll end up with a front room that looks like mine! My excuse is I'm collecting them for when I have my big house in the country with private library...

I like Eizabeth Jennings - it's on a shelf buried somewhere under Phonetics and Phonology or some such title! Note to self - must sort out shelving!

p.s. Do you ever find yourself buying the same book twice because you forgot you had it/couldn't find it?! This has been happening to me with alarming regularity this last year!

Cathy said...

Aha, someone who understands my problem and yes, I have been known to buy books ( and even magazines) twice!

The trouble is I hate getting rid of books and when I do have the occasional clearout I sometimes find myself buying another copy of some of those same books a year or so later, because I wish I hadn't sent them to the charity shop....

I have to face the truth, I'm just a shopaholic hoarder!