Tuesday, February 06, 2007

February targets

Better late than never! It is a short month containing a half term, so I dare not be too ambitious.

1. Complete reading and next assignment for my OU course.

2. Continue trying to write some of novel at least every other day and write regularly on here.

3. Do some catching up on my paid accountancy work (for hubby's business so very flexible, but still...)

4. Try to catch up with the financial part of my voluntary work.

5. Tidy out my wardrobe ( not highest priority but really does need doing...)

Like last month I will report back on my progress. As you can see many of the targets are very similar to last month. Its not that I didn't achieve anything in January, but the same things will inevitably come up time and time again. Perhaps next month I will actually have time to include something fun...?!


Anne Brooke said...

Yes, include fun, Cathy - include it now! Otherwise it doesn't happen, babe ...



Cathy said...

You are so right, Anne! But no time for planned fun this month, I fear...