I woke up very early this morning and switched on BBC News 24, to be greeted by the information that the Corporation's abducted Gaza reporter, Alan Johnston, had been freed after 114 days in captivity. He had apparently spent this time in solitary confinement, unsure if he was going to be harmed. His spirits were raised by the realisation, through hearing BBC World service radio broadcasts, that he had not been forgotten, that people all over the world were demonstrating, campaigning and working for his freedom.
What was absolutely amazing was the composure he showed on his release, making live phone calls back to the BBC studio and speaking at televised press conferences. He had been through a terrible ordeal, yet seemed to have kept himself together remarkably well. I have always thought that to be a journalist one needs to be both brave and thick-skinned. To be a journalist in a place of conflict requires both in abundance. Alan Johnston today showed remarkable courage both as a man and a consummate professional.
Three notable things:
1. A squirrel running along the garden fence.
2. The jewel coloured floral sari worn by a friend.
3. The welcome release of Alan Johnston.
SO weird, Cathy.
I too saw a lady passing by in a lovely sari today...and YES, it brightened my day, my thoughts..
Great news indeed, Cathy!!
Well said. And thanks for the comments about my news.
Yes, it was the first news I heard this morning, too. I heard his father being interviewed and it made me cry. I had to go and hug little one.
I love your three note-able things, all of them so far. Something about the succinctness of the images.
Livvy x
Must have been the first time the BBC has lead on good news for some time.
Indeed it was a good start to the day.
Yes, it was a good day yesterday!
Yes, great news and a really top quality man. However, when I heard the BBC boss being asked why he had been the only journalist in Gaza I had to wonder why he was there in the first place. Why not use newswires and not put someone's life in danger in the first place?
I was so glad to hear about Alan Johnston, too. I wish more good news was published as part of the news.
SAHD....I hadn't heard that bit. Very good point. At least Alan Johnson has said he wants to 'keep out of trouble' in future! Lets hope the BBC give him some nice safe work.
Zinnia...great to see you here!
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