Monday, June 07, 2010


I was on sole parental duty all weekend, so I used snatched moments to research online for novel two.

Without wanting to give too much away, the novel will be set in two cities, one of which is London and the other is a city in Europe I visited many years ago. I now need to research that city at two very specific points in the last century. It is proving a challenging and fascinating task, since for plot reasons it is critical to get certain things right before I start writing. Today I visited our small local library for more information and I'm also planning a couple of research trips into London at some point.

I didn't have to do so much research for my first novel, as the setting was fictional and the timeline wholly contemporary. But I've always had a strong interest in history, so I'm enjoying researching these elements and look forward to being able to apply creativity to them in due course.

In other news, it's still half term here for another week and I'm teaching in London on Wednesday, so my writing time will be somewhat limited. Normal service (and hopefully more interesting blog posts) will resume properly next week!


Queenie said...

I am intrigued by the sound of your new novel, and glad you're enjoying the research.

Cathy said...

I am enjoying the research very much, but I'm, not giving any more away but the ideas, which keep changing!