Friday, April 23, 2010

Rowan Coleman's Short Story Competition

Lovely Novel Racer and talented author Rowan Coleman has just launched a short story competion for writers without an agent or publishing contract to submit a 1000 word story on the theme of 'Starting Over'. There are some fabulous prizes up for grabs so it's well worth looking at.

Full details can be found here on Rowan's blog.


Jen said...

Definitely one to enter, don't you think?

Cathy said...

I think so, if I can get my act together. I tend to leave competition entries until the very last minute!

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Cathy, this looks very interesting.

CJ xx

Cathy said...

I(t's certainly worth a go, CJ.

Cathy said...

Whoops, having trouble typing again tonight!